Fort Walton Beach, Fl 32548
Kindof like a blown up, prettier version of our Discus and Frisbee models. We drastically pinned out the tail, blunted the nose and lowered the rocker giving it more of a old school longboard front and and a performance egg / fun gun back end. With the hard edge through the tail and our typical 4+1 fin setup this thing has impressive hold when the surf starts picking up, some vee and a narrower tail makes this thing a breeze from one maneuver to another. Waves get small, just post up on the front end of this thing and you’ll be cruising. Blunt wide round nose makes this thing paddle like a boat, and the deep single concave through the nose offers plenty of stability if you want to spend some time up there. Great board for very small waves all the way up to a good pitching well overhead session.